True organic mortgage lead opportunities not available anywhere but

Our searchers on through our property eligibility search tool request lenders to contact them for pre-approval

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Learn more about us

USDAsearch is a portal to search if property is in an eligiblie USDA area. Our searchers choose during their search if they want a lender to contact them for a pre-approval.

  • We are not a lender nor give lending advice we provide a property eligibility tool and then the user ask for lender and/or Realtor to contact them. Check our tool out at
  • 2nd largest USDA property eligibility search site (USDA #1)
  • Fast technology that provides accurate results
  • Technology built by ex mortgage professionals that looked for a better way to search besides the legacy USDA website
  • Technology built .NET and SQL server
  • Technology built for mobile applications
  • True organic searches done by users requesting information. No coerced lead tactics.

Click Here to visit USDAsearch to test the user experience

Lead Quality

Our leads are some of the highest converting leads available maximizing your ROI. These buyers are loyal and looking for a lender for pre-approval.

True Organic Search

Our users come to us to find if a property is in USDA eligible area. Many of them choose for a lender to contact them for pre-approval.

Detail Lead Info

Name, email, phone and address of property user is searching for eligibility.

Real-time Lead Delivery

Within a split second of the lead requesting a search and to be pre-approved you will receive a text message with lead info so you can respond fast. Conversions and contact go up 10X.

Build Realtor Relationships

Whether the lead has a realtor or is requesting a realtor to show them the property converting leads is a great way to build new Realtor relationships.

Start Receiving Leads Now

Start receiving our high-quality leads within 24 hours of setup. Checking out our pricing for exclusive leads at the national or state/local level.

Exclusive National Pricing

The four options below for purchasing leads that are exclusive on a national level, all states. These leads have requested for a lender to contact them for pre-approval. These are true organic leads that have come to our property eligibility site. Real-time text and email message delivery of the leads.


20 Leads Monthly on National Level

$25 / per lead

  • Exclusive Lead - (one lender)
  • Leads that ask for lender to contact them for pre-approval
  • Text Message to your phone with lead details
  • Email with lead details
  • $250 deposit
  • Invoice 1st due on 15th

75 Leads Monthly on National Level

$23 / per lead

  • Exclusive Lead - (one lender)
  • Leads that ask for lender to contact them for pre-approval
  • Text Message to your phone with lead details
  • Email with lead details
  • $862.50 deposit
  • Invoice 1st due on 15th

100+ Leads Monthly on National Level

$22 / per lead

  • Exclusive Lead - (one lender)
  • Leads that ask for lender to contact them for pre-approval
  • Text Message to your phone with lead details
  • Email with lead details
  • $1100 deposit
  • Balance invoiced on Fridays

Exclusive Local and State Pricing

The four options below for purchasing leads that are exclusive on a local and state level, all states. These leads have requested for a lender to contact them for pre-approval. These are true organic leads that have come to our property eligibility site. Real-time text and email message delivery of the leads.


20 Leads Monthly on Local Level

$30 / per lead

  • Exclusive Lead - (one lender)
  • Leads that ask for lender to contact them for pre-approval
  • Text Message to your phone with lead details
  • Email with lead details
  • $300 deposit
  • Invoice 1st due on 15th

75 Leads Monthly on Local Level

$28 / per lead

  • Exclusive Lead - (one lender)
  • Leads that ask for lender to contact them for pre-approval
  • Text Message to your phone with lead details
  • Email with lead details
  • $1050 deposit
  • Invoice 1st due on 15th

100+ Leads Monthly on Local Level

$27 / per lead

  • Exclusive Lead - (one lender)
  • Leads that ask for lender to contact them for pre-approval
  • Text Message to your phone with lead details
  • Email with lead details
  • $1350 deposit
  • Balance invoiced on Fridays